Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Advice...Take it or Leave it (I suggest the first option though ;)!)

I am going to be 100% honest and let you know that my enrolment appointment when I first came to York University was a pretty terrible experience. I felt like breaking down after the session I had just completed...it was all because I did not ask for assistance! Something you should really keep in mind while attending University is that asking questions is always the best idea! :)

I was recently talking to a few Professors at York University and they had wished that students actually took the time and effort to discuss some of the topics from class. They said that they learned a lot from the students when they engaged in discussion. It is a great feeling creating a mutual learning relationship, especially when that relationship is between you and your professors!! It is a super rewarding experience!!

So my main point is...just ask for help!! That was my main mistake from my enrolment appointment and my first year, so learn from my mistakes and ASK A QUESTION!

*Do not be this girl (p.s. that is me on the left), she did not ask for help in first year! :(*
*Hopefully my roommate from first year does not care that I am using her in my picture... :S*

I promised you a RED Zone Ambassador Tip in all of my blogs, here is Monika's (http://monikaredzone.blogspot.ca/)!
1. Plan to arrive early (in case you get lost).
2. Introduce yourself to your professors and teaching assistances.


  1. Your honesty is refreshing! LOVE IT!

  2. Great advice and so true! P.S Love the first year photo, you look so young!!

  3. I know right?? I look like a baby, FLASH BACK for sure!!!

  4. Ya, I did not start rockin' the short hair until my 4th year!
