Friday, May 18, 2012

Nervous? No Need to Fret, We Totally Have You Covered!!

How big are my classes??  Will I know my Professors?  Where are my classes??? Who is this person beside me on the first day??? Will there be places I can grab something to eat?? Do I bring a laptop??

Looking back on my first year experience I can confidently say that I was freaked out to the max and had many of the same questions! I was coming from a small town so my exposer to a huge University, was a scary situation! You may be having similar feelings and questions! Have no fear, our RED Zone Ambassadors and Orientation Chairs (The awesome individuals who plan Social Orientation) have some tips and tricks for your first day!

My Tips For You:
-Keep a campus map in your back pocket!
-Re-check your class schedule to make sure your classroom has not change.
-Find a friend in your class to be your study buddy!

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind from some of the other RED Zone Student Ambassadors:

Nicole's Tips For You (
-Don't be afraid to ask questions!
-Go to class!! 

Michelle's Tips For You (
-Bring snacks to class!
-Get to know the campus ahead of time!

Every blog post from now on I will post different tips from a RED Zone Ambassador or Orientation Chair. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask, I am here to help you out! :)