Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5 Tips for Finding a Job On Campus

So I am not trying to brag...however, each and everyday that I leave the RED Zone I am so overjoyed with my day and what has been accomplished! The RED Zone this year has been the best summer job I have ever had! You can have an awesome job on campus too!!!

Ever since my first year I have had a job on campus. I am going to help you with 5 Tips for finding a job!
1. Check out the Career Centre Website for jobs and other workshops. http://www.yorku.ca/careers/
2. Talk to some offices on campus and see if they need any assistance (I did that for Winters College).
3. Get involved so you have more experience for your resume! yuconnect.yorku.ca
4. Ask friends who already have jobs on campus or visit the RED Zone for assistance!
5. Fill out your student financial profile! http://sfs.yorku.ca/services/sfp/

***The awesome RED Zone Team!***
RED Zone Ambassador Tips:
1. Good hygiene.
2. Good Shoes.