Surviving the Slump:
Something residence is awesome for is getting you out of the slump! Often times when you return from reading week or a weekend it is hard to get back into swing of things (readings, assignments, etc). There are always people around motivating and mentoring you to get you back on track!
Study Partyaas!!:
How awesome is it that you can walk out of your room, knock on the person's door beside you and have an impromptu study party in your common room? I always took the opportunity to ask housemates for advice or have a creative brainstorm while we were all in our pjs!
Shower and Go:
I loved that I could get up a half hour before my class started, eat my breakfast and be in class 10 mins before it started! Not to mention, you always have someone to walk to class with who lives in residence with you. (My favourite is that I was 10 mins away from the
Gym facility at all times, so my roommate and I used to used it all the time in first year!).
Stayin' Alive:
What I really enjoyed about residence was that I had the opportunity to learn so many new things each time I went to an activity or an event. They had tons of programming to make sure you were ready for anything in and out of your classes!
Super Don:
Lastly, I loved that there was someone there to help me with my transition. On each floor of your residence there is a Don that can help you with any questions or concerns you may have. They are upper year students so they have gone through similar experiences. Both my Dons in first and second year were amazing! :)
Making cookies in residence!
So delicious!!
Making awesome faces while we wait for our cookies!
Haven't applied for Residence yet? Click
here for more information!
**Have any other questions about residence? If you do, you have to pose it in a question that starts with S though (witty right?)! ;)**